Each year in the UK, nearly 44,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 1,000 women die from the disease every month. In the United States, breast cancer is the third most common cause of cancer death (after lung cancer and colon cancer).
In my life I have lost a grandmother and mother-in-law to this horrific disease. I love writing posts for my blog each day, as it’s a great creative outlet, but I feel strongly that when given the chance I should also use this medium to raise awareness and promote good and worthy causes.
I was particularly delighted to learn of the new partnership between The Council of Fashion Designers of America Foundation and online global luxury retailer Net-a-Porter.com. Jointly the two organizations will launch a series of limited-edition -branded items, the first being a Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
Fashion Targets Breast Cancer (FTBC) began in 1994 as the U.S. fashion industry's response to breast cancer - a widely recognized effort that raises public awareness and funds to support breast cancer research, education, screening and patient care. The initiative was inspired by Ralph Lauren in memory of his late friend Nina Hyde, The Washington Post columnist who died of breast cancer.
100% of the net profits raised from the sells on Net-a-Porter.com will go towards breast cancer research.
Bravo Ronda!! I want to thank you personally for keeping breast caner awareness in the minds of your readers. Your blog is great to read and really very special. You have found a great niche. I can’t wait to see what’s in store each day.
i just want to repeat Candace's words 'bravo Ronda!'
great, great post!!thanks.
Thank you Candace and Designflute! I feel it’s the least I can do. I will be doing all that I can to raise awareness of worthy causes.
Wonderful post--it's great to use your voice to promote such an important cause that's affected so many lives.
Thanks rnvl, it's such an important cause and does touch so many lives.
Hi! Yes, it's me from the Great Impressions MSN board. It's still going, so now I'm wondering who you are?? Please email me or let me know, I'm curious now. That board has been around since 2001 & still going,although it's been through some changes. Jan & Bonnie are still around too. I'll have to see what you're up to here on your blog.
Thanks for leaving me a note! Please come back & visit me again & let me know who you are!
I am sure your grandmother and MIL would proud you are highlighting this cause. As women, it is up to us to push for a cure!
Btw, I saw All the Best mentioned in the "mailbox" section of Elle Decor. Nice work!
Thank you Brilliant Asylum.
I had no idea that All the Best was mentioned in Elle
Decor! Is it the October issue? Guess I will need to make a trip to Borders, it's the only place to get the US editions.
What a worth cause.
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Thank you for leaving your comment Sue. It's always good to hear from those who read All the Best.
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