What do Carolina Herrera, Carolyn Roehm, India Hicks and Soledad Twombly all have in common? Okay, besides the fact that they are all beautiful and successful women. All have hosted hosted parties with Nathan Turner.
Nathan Turner must have the world’s most fantastic job! He has successfully managed to blend his two great passions, food and design. His wonderful store on North Almont Drive in Los Angeles, California has become a faithful source for the country's leading decorators, as well as some of the most stylish people from coast to coast. And, not only does he entertain the best of the best, he is also a contributing editor with Domino magazine and C magazine.
Perhaps once I publish a book version of All the Best I should be so lucky as to have a US book launch at Nathan’s shop, now that really would be all the best!
I love that you have been able to combine your two great passions, food and design, and that you host fabulous dinner parties in your shop. What is your idea of a perfect party?
One where I have a good time!!! To me that is the point of getting people together after all. So often people get stressed out or too concerned with having the right people or china etc. They end up missing the point. The host sets the tone for a party so a happy host equals a great party.
What is your entertaining trademark?
Casual entertaining, but with style and fun!

How would you describe your decorating style?
Personally I love a traveled bohemian mix matched look.
What do you most enjoy about owning your own business?
Freedom! I LOVE to travel and would shrivel up and die if I only had 2 weeks of vacation a year!
What is your favorite book?
If I had to pick one favorite book it would have to be The Leopard by Giuseppe di Lampedusa. I dream of traveling back in time to those Sicilian palazzos.
What is your favorite luxury in life?
Travel. I can’t get enough of it and feel it’s the ultimate luxury in
life, getting to see the world and experience different people and cultures.
What is your most prized possession?
My dog Daisy. She's a fixture at my shop and parties.
Who would you most like to meet and how would you spend the day?
I would love to meet J.D. Salinger. Besides The Leopard, The Catcher in the Rye is an all time favorite, and I would have him over for an outdoor lunch.
Profile by Ronda Carman
I have to say, I agree with him that travel is the ultimate luxury! It is one of my main drivers and why I've spent my adult life as an entrepreneur - how could I bear to live under someone else's vacation schedule? the world is fabulous - it is my duty to get out and see it!
and... are you planning to have a book version of all the best? that's a saucy little nugget of info! :)
Travel IS the ultimate luxury. I totally agree. I wish I could see more of the world! And of course Catcher in the Rye is one of my favorites too (next to The Great Gatsby). I think I have read it 30 times.
Great work on the profile--and good luck with your book!
I've been dying to get out to LA to visit his shop!
Oh Franki I so agree travel is the ultimate luxury! It’s one of the reasons why I have decided to pursue the entrepreneurial path and write a book version of All the Best. Now come the hard part—finding an agent and publisher!
Me too BA, I read The Great Gatsby every summer!
I can only imagine that it's wonderful Jennifer, but I'd like to see for myself!
Ronda, one of my favorite quotes is, "Don't tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have traveled".
Not only is traveling the ULIMATE luxury to me, it is also a great educator. I've learned so much more from traveling then any history book could ever teach me.
I live for the day when I'm able to travel more.
Another great profile, love Nathan Turner!
Another great interview! What a very down to earth person, and J.D. Salinger is a great pick!
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