Tuesday, January 30

Profile: My Marrakesh

Maryam of My Marrakesh

Fascinating was the first word to came to mind when I read the blog My Marrakesh. So, what is the first thing to do when you find a new blog? You click the ‘About Me’ link of course!

Maryam - Democracy and governance specialist (if anyone knows what that means, please let her know so she can finally explain it to her mother). Loves kickboxing, interior design, watching foreign films, making altered art, and musing about life in general.

Yes, fascinating was definitely the right word to describe Maryam! And did I mention that she is an excellent writer with great taste, just read her comments on my blog—she loves all the same things I do!

If you are not familiar with My Marrakesh, you MUST go to Maryam’s blog. And for the big news—My Marrakesh is a finalist in the 2007 Annual Weblog Awards in the category Best African or Middleastern Blog. If you are so inclined (and I know you are) go to The Weblog Awards site before Feb 2 and vote for My Marrakesh!

Which interior designer would you most like to meet?
Alberto Pinto. Stunning use of color and I love his modern interpretations of Moorish style.

What would be your favorite way to spend a day?
My most favorite day in the world would be shopping the Paris flea markets with my best friend and muse, Anna, who lives in the South of France.

What is your favorite CD at the moment?
Anything by Norah Jones or Bosso Nova.

What personal characteristics do you most dislike in a person?
Miserliness and close minded-ness

If you could vacation anywhere in the world where would it be?
An incredible spa on an island somewhere in Indonesia. Ideally spending the morning in outdoor yoga and innovative cardio classes and all afternoon getting spa treatments. Sigh. One day, one day....

What is your favorite luxury in life?
I have a personal trainer who comes to my house two to three times a week. A former kick boxing champion, he pushes me to my absolute limits. We start every workout running through the fruit orchards. I also have an unfortunate penchant for Armani makeup:-)

What is your favorite place to shop?
The Marrakesh souks, esp the old hole-in-the-wall antique shops.

What is your most prized possession?
My wedding album. Our photos are all black and white and photo journalist style. That day was pure magic for me.

Who is your favorite style icon?
Christy Turlington. She is beautiful, graceful and strong. She also seems so balanced and mindful, traits I aspire to.

Maryam's wedding album


Style Court said...

Congrats Maryam! Lovely profile.

The Peak of Chic said...

Ronda and Maryam- Great profile!!! What an interesting life Maryam leads!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Thanks so much, Ronda, for including me in your round up!

Anna Spiro said...

Maryam you are gorgeous and I am in awe of your life in Marrakesh. Congratulations also on your nomination in the Weblog Awards - you go girl!! Lovely post also Ronda!

Archana Srinivas Pottery said...

Great profile! Very inspiring to see ideas from around the world.
Congrats Ronda & Maryam.

paris parfait said...

Lovely profile of the fabulous Maryam. Am discovering your site through Maryam and am I glad I did! I will be back to visit again - wonderful design posts!

julie said...

truely wonderful - a special woman!!

simon said...

I with you guys for sure.. her blogs a great read.. :o)

madelyn said...

lovely interview with a
wonderful woman -
i adore Christy as well -
and yoga!

the wedding album looks gorgeous...

haus maus said...

I didn't think it was possible, but I officially love Maryam even more!

Anil P said...

Maryam's is a wonderfully conversational blog. I first read it thinking it might be about travel before I discovered that life can be a travel on the inside, so I stayed, and intend returning to read each new entry on my marrakech.