In the last few days the number of visitors to my blog have more than doubled. I know that over time exponential growth is normal, but I would love to know how you found All the Best (google search, newspaper, magazine, another blog). As always I welcome your thoughts and comments.
All the best,
I found your blog from The Peak of Chic and I love the diversity of your postings.
google image search of all places!!
Doesn't your stat counter tell you what the referring page is?
I found your blog through Habitually Chic. I love your interviews!
Hi anonymous. Yes, if they come from a referring page or link. But in the past few days I have had an unusually large number of first time visitors with no referring address or page link.
Hi - I think it was Patricia Grey but I read all the design blogs so it could have been any one of them. I think the reason you've had so many hits lately is I'm home sick and surfing constantly!!!
Take care
Hi Christine - I think there needs to be a bloggersannonymous - I'd be the first to sign up. I am always surfing for great blogs to read!! Feel better soon!
I found your blog at Peak of Chic. Just discovered design blogs three months ago and must say I am hooked!
Thanks Catherine and Kay. Anonymous you are right, design blogs are addictive...I know!!!
Hi Rhonda
The first blog I ever read was Mark Cutler's as he is a fellow Interior Designer. You were a link on his Blog. That was late last Spring when you had taken a hiatus from Blogging. I anxiously checked your blog and finally you returned with renewed gusto. I am so glad you did. BTW the visits to my Blog have also increased expedientially since the beginning of the New Year.
I came through via Miss Cavendish.
Peak of Chic, about 3 months ago.
If you suscribe to Site Meter you will know it: number of visitors, time, page, country (even town or village), lenguage, etc.
Me: I found you by Absolutely Beautiful Things :)
I also just had a link to you on a post that I did, but that wouldn't account for any kind of jump!
Hope you're well... It's in the 60's here!
I first found you through Cote de Texas, since she mentions you occasionally. I've also seen your link on other blogs.
Ronda - I've been visiting so long I can't remember! But congratulations - that is wonderful. No media mentions?
I just clicked over via perfect bound!
I found you through KatieDID and am so glad! I check your blog religiously every morning.
I've noticed increased traffic also. I think part of it (at least for me) is that people are now starting to get back into their normal routine after their holidays.
I also found you through Habitually Chic; love your blog! The interviews are interesting and inspiring.
Thanks everyone!
Glad you kept checking back Patricia!!My guess is exponential growth!
Thanks for the mention Meg. It's cold and rainy here, but of course it's Scotland!
Not that I know of Mrs Blandings, but I'm usually the last to know.
Thank you me, myself, & i...love your blog too!
I am trying to find the best pool in Paris. For swimming laps. Lots of laps. And instead I found the swell pics on your page.
followed link from perfect bound!
suzy from the Philippines
Anonymous try Renaissance Paris Vendome Hotel.
Peak of Chic
I clicked on your link in the Comments on Melissa C. Morris's blog.
Hi Ronda,
Congrats on your success! I found you through my friend Patricia of PVE Design. She loves your writing and now I do too so I added you to my faves on my blog.
I can't remember, but now that I'm blogging myself, I find that I look around at what others are saying more now. I also find that I'm blogging, I value the comments I get on my posts, so I try to return the favor (although you always have lots of love, so you don't need my little words!)
Perfect Bound...
a link from girl meets glamour
Wow, congratulations!
I found you through Absolutely Beautiful Things and you have a FAB blog here and I agree that I I have noticed the same traffic thing too:-)!!! :-) :-)
I'm another that came from absolutly beautiful things... I love your interviews, its so nice to hear personal info and thoughts of designers. keep it up!
WOW!!!!!! Thank you all so much for the feedback and emails!
Look forward to hearing more from all of you again!!
All best,
on another blog -- i can't remember which (possibly perfect bound)...but I'm glad i did =)
- Jessie -
I found your blog throw Patricia Gray`s blog
Can't remember, but so glad I did. Just when I really thought I'd run out things to look up on the internet, I found blogs, and it certainly opened up a whole new world!
I became aware of your blog through The Peak of Chic!
Found you through Cote de Texas. Fell into a design blog addiction around Halloween. Love your blog!
P.S. I'm a Texan too:)
I love to see that a few found you through moi! haha I owe it all to you - and you know that for sure! Thanks again for your initial introduction of myself. I'm trying to return the favor for a few new blogs.
Found you through Mark Cutler's or Cote de Texas blog! Can't remember which one.
Hi there, Ronda. I've been reading your blog for awhile now, first as a lurker, then as a blogger. I believe I found your blog through another design blog, but it's been awhile, so I can't remember whose. FYI, my fave post is still the J Crew one (in Scotland?).
Thanks Mara!
From the "Girl Meets Glamour" blog!
So many blogs, so little time!
peak of chic:)
I wish I could remember...it was either through a search or because someone else's blog linked to yours.
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